Monday, May 7, 2018

Summer Safety for Pets

Summer is all about having fun—make sure your pet is having fun, too! In addition to the various health hazards they might face, pets that are prone to anxiety may become extremely fearful of loud noises. To make summer safer and more enjoyable for your four-legged friend, check out our list of tips below!

Heat Safety Tips
Don’t bring your pet along on errands and leave them alone in your parked car. The inside of your car can go from 70 to 90 degrees in as little as 10 minutes! Opening the windows does not improve air circulation, either. Your best bet is to leave them at home to relax in an air-conditioned environment.
Avoid walking your dog in the middle of the day, when the sun is at its peak and the asphalt is hottest. Schedule your walks for the early morning and evening instead.
If your pet needs to be outside, make sure they have a cool, shady spot to rest and have uninhibited access to cool, fresh water at all times. Be sure to check on them periodically.

Parasite Prevention
Give your pet their parasite preventives as directed throughout the year for optimal protection. Talk to your veterinarian if you need recommendations.
Clear tall grass and brush away from your home; these areas could be perfect hiding places for ticks! The Deer tick is the primary vector for Lyme disease, which can be transmitted to both pets and people.
Flea prevention is also important—aside from the aggravating infestations, they can also occasionally spread tapeworm to pets.
Mosquitoes infected with roundworm larvae can pass these larvae to your pet, resulting in heartworm disease. Prevent standing bodies of water from forming around your home (due to buckets being left out, swimming pool not being covered, etc.)

Noise Aversion and Anxiety
Noise-averse pets may bolt if they are startled by loud noises. Make sure your pet is microchipped in case they get out of the house. Pets with microchips are easier to track down. Also, see that they have a secure collar and up-to-date ID tags.
Talk to your veterinarian about stress-reduction options. This may include a Thundershirt, calming medication or other type of treatment.
If possible, stay with your pet in an enclosed room and speak to them in a calming voice.

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