Monday, May 20, 2019

Summer Tips for Pittsburgh Pets

Tips from Your Pittsburgh Veterinarian: Summer Pet Safety

Making sure your pet is safe doesn’t mean their summer has to be boring. Still, there are many things you as a pet parent need to think about ahead of time to make sure that every day, and every outing, is planned with your pet’s safety as a priority.

As a friendly reminder from your animal hospital in Pittsburgh, take a look at the helpful information provided below.

Heat Safety

One of the biggest concerns in the summertime is the heat. Keep in mind that even a day that is in the 70s can pose risks for your pet.

       •  Never, under any circumstances, leave your pet inside your car while it’s turned off and parked. Even if the windows are open and your car is in a shady spot, the inside of the vehicle will still warm up.
       •  Wherever you go with your pet outdoors, bring a sufficient supply of fresh water.
       •  Don’t take your dog for walks in the middle of the day, when the sun is at its peak. Try going early in the morning or around sunset, when the temperature and the ground have cooled. If humidity is high, consider taking a shorter walk.
       •  If your pet is one of the flat-faced (brachycephalic) breeds, they probably have more difficulty breathing properly. Panting is necessary for helping pets cool off, and if this is hindered by breathing issues, they’ll overheat more quickly.

Parasite Control is a Must

Fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, roundworms, and other parasites love summertime. It’s warm, and there are more available hosts for them to choose from. While parasites can be a year-round threat, summer is when they are most active (and prevalent). If your pet isn’t already current with their preventatives, talk to us about getting them up to date! Your pet might also need to be tested for heartworm and other parasitic diseases.

Thunderstorms, Noise Aversion, and Anxiety

Does your pet become anxious when a thunderstorm rolls in? Severe anxiety due to loud noises is known as noise aversion, and if your dog has it, they’re not alone. Contact our animal hospital to learn about the different calming options that are out there, including Thundershirts, calming medications, supplements, and more.

It’s also important to see to it that your pet is microchipped. Pets that get scared during noise events are also likely to try to escape. If they get lost, they’re much more likely to be returned to you if they have a microchip.

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