Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Importance of Pet Wellness Care

Pet wellness care is an integral part of every companion animal’s health program. The best thing you can do for your four-legged family member is commit to bringing them in to see their veterinarian annually or semiannually for an exam. At our animal hospital in Pittsburgh, we provide every pet with a personalized, complete wellness plan that focuses on preventing the onset of disease and raising their quality of life.

Ensuring a Healthy Start for Puppies and Kittens
Puppies and kittens are tougher than we give them credit for, but they can also be at a much higher risk for illness and infection than adult dogs and cats. Their immune systems are still developing, and if they are 6-8 weeks old, they have likely lost the antibodies they obtained from their mother’s milk.
Additionally, puppies and kittens are often born with intestinal parasites such as roundworms, which can be passed from the mother to her litter either while they are in the womb or nursing. Intestinal parasites can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and other issues in young pets. With blood and fecal testing, we can screen for these pests and offer various safe treatments to eradicate the intruders.

Setting a Health Baseline and Maintaining Your Pet’s Health
Another important benefit of annual/semiannual wellness exams is being able to establish a baseline of health. This allows us to compare your pet’s “normal” health status with proceeding exams, which can make it easier for us to detect unusual health changes sooner. Furthermore, our goal when your pet reaches adulthood is to maximize and maintain their health for as long as possible. Seeing them annually means we can monitor their condition and offer advice to improve it.

Detecting Disease, Parasites, and Congenital Issues
Routine wellness exams are the best opportunity we have for screening your pet. This includes blood, fecal, and urine testing, which can tell us a lot about what’s going on inside. Thanks to our capabilities, we can screen dogs and cats for heartworm disease, Lyme disease, intestinal parasites, bladder infections, diabetes, thyroid problems, and much more. 

Keeping Senior Pets in a State of Comfort
Like us, dogs and cats also experience the effects of aging, including arthritis, muscle weakness, vision and hearing loss, diabetes, heart disease, and more. We hope to prepare every pet for this stage of life with consistent wellness care and an eye toward the future. Weight loss, pain management, joint health, and immune system support are just a few important aspects of senior pet wellness care.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Winter Pet Safety in Pittsburgh

Is winter pet safety on your agenda this season? Make it a priority to ensure that your four-legged family member stays healthy (and cozy) in the midst of freezing temperatures. Pittsburgh winters can be tough, not just for humans but for our furry friends, too. Our animal hospital recommends that you take precaution and consider all the possible risks before letting your pet outside.
If you still have questions for your veterinarian, please contact us right away.

Prevent the Risk of Frostbite

Dogs and cats are just as vulnerable to frostbite as humans are. While a fur coat can offer some protection, it can’t fight off the cold indefinitely or prevent frostbite on the tips of the ears, the nose, and even on the paw pads. If you can’t handle the cold, then your pet can’t, either! Let them stay indoors with you—provide extra cushioning for their bed (if they have one) and consider getting a pet-friendly heating pad to soothe their achy joints (if they’re advanced in age).

If you do take your pet outside for a bathroom break, keep an eye on them and let them in as soon as they’ve done their business. For walks, get a sturdy coat that suits their size and shape so they can stay warm. Huskies and Alaskan Malamutes can tolerate the cold extremely well, but an extra layer of protection doesn’t hurt.

Snow and Ice are Dangerous for Pets, Too

Pets can sustain leg injuries from slipping on ice and melting snow (kind of like us). De-ice your driveway, patio, and any pathways around your house, and sweep away puddles wherever you can. It might be a good idea to keep your pet on a leash when you take them outside for a bathroom break, to ensure they don’t take off running.

When walking with your pet, lead them around ice and snow puddles. Rubber booties are also a helpful way to keep your pet from slipping on sheets of ice, thanks to the additional traction they provide.

Antifreeze and Sidewalk Salt

Antifreeze is known to be fatal for animals if ingested. It has a very sweet, syrupy smell and taste that curious pets can’t help but investigate. If you spill any antifreeze while readying your car for winter, clean it up immediately. Make sure your antifreeze container is tightly sealed and stored high on a shelf or in a closet where your pet can’t get to it. You can never be too careful with antifreeze.
In addition to being painful for pets to step on, it can irritate your pet’s paw pads and stick in their fur. Licking this salt can also burn their mouth or cause minor stomach upset. Check your pet’s belly and feet for pieces of salt and wipe them away before letting your pet inside. If you have a cat or two, clean salt residue from your shoes/boots so they don’t try to lick it off.

Your Car Could be a Temporary Home for Strays

Before you start your car in the morning, be sure to knock on the hood a few times and honk the horn just in case a cat has decided to shelter next to the engine. In harsh weather, strays will find any shelter they can against the elements, and under the hood of your car is as good a place as any to them. Keep this in mind and try to give these animals a chance at survival before turning the engine.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Thanksgiving Pet Safety in Pittsburgh

Thanksgiving has arrived once more, and it’s time for us to review our most important Thanksgiving pet safety tips. You don’t need to dread the holidays, but we do want you to be fully aware of the health hazards that could pop up when you’re not looking. Pets can be sneaky, especially during semi-chaotic holiday events. See our tips below and be sure to contact our animal hospital if you have any questions or concerns! Our veterinarians are always happy to help.

If you and your pet are traveling for the holidays, make sure they’re wearing a collar with updated ID tags and have a microchip in case they get lost. Also, carry a copy of their medical records with you just in case.

Is your pet an escape artist? Even if you’re not sure, there’s always a first time, especially when the front door keeps opening and closing as friends and family file into the house. Watch the door (and your pet), or, to be extra safe, keep them in a room with the door closed until the guest traffic has quieted down.

Meat bones, chocolate, onions, garlic, grapes, raisins, and pumpkin pie filling are just a few foods that are dangerous for pets to eat. The easiest way to protect your pet? Don’t share any of your food with them! Their food and treats will do just fine.

If you need to leave your pet at home while you head out of town, consider boarding them so all their essential needs will be met and they won’t be left alone.

Does having lots of people around make your pet anxious? Distract them from the chaos of having guests over with the help of treats and toys, and give them a quiet place they can have all to themselves. If your pet is crate trained, they might prefer the comfort and security their crate or carrier provides. Check in on your pet regularly to make sure they’re okay.

If you have kids over, be sure to supervise all their interactions with your pet. If your pet recently had surgery, is recovering from illness, or doesn’t like being around large noisy groups of people, keep them in a quiet room by themselves.

Be sure to remind your guests not to feed your pet any table scraps. They might feed your pet something dangerous without knowing, and giving your pet handouts can foster bad eating habits.

Discourage your guests from leaving their alcoholic beverages sitting where your pet can reach them (chair, floor, edge of table).

Avoid decorating the tables with candles; flames are always a fire hazard in the home, especially when you have a pet or two prowling around. There are battery-powered options available!

Tidy up; don’t leave food, bones, or plasticware sitting around where your pet can reach it; throw it away immediately.

Guard the trash or put it where your pet can’t reach it (like out in the garage). Gobbling up food scraps and garbage can quickly upset your pet’s stomach, causing choking, or block their gastrointestinal tract.

Keep your pet out of the kitchen if you’re cooking—you never know when you might drop something that could be harmful to their health.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Pet Breast Cancer Awareness

Like humans, female dogs and cats can also develop mammary tumors, especially if they have not been spayed at the proper time, or were spayed after reaching 2 years of age. Spaying and neutering have many benefits for the pet population, and preventing the onset of cancer is just one of them.

Our Pittsburgh animal hospital is dedicated to promoting spays and neuters as proactive treatments that help prevent various diseases and other issues in pets. Take a moment to learn more about pet breast cancer and how to lower your pet’s risks.

How At-Risk is My Pet?

Your pet’s risk of developing breast cancer varies depending on how soon they are spayed. If your pet is:

· Spayed before their first heat cycle (about 6 months old), their risk of developing a tumor is about 0.5%

· Spayed after their first heat cycle, the risk is 8%

· Spayed after their second heat cycle, their risk is 26%

As you can see, the longer a pet goes without being spayed, the more rapidly their risk for breast cancer increases. Having your pet spayed at about 6 months of age (or whenever your veterinarian recommends it with regard for your pet’s health) should drastically lower their breast cancer risks.

Is Pet Breast Cancer Life-Threatening?

According to the American College of Veterinary Surgeons, more than 25% of unspayed female dogs will end up developing a mammary tumor in their lifetime, and about 50% of these are benign, while the other 50% are malignant. Luckily, few of the malignant mammary tumors found in dogs are fatal.

Unfortunately in cats, more than 85% of mammary tumors are malignant and likely to spread aggressively throughout the body.

What are the Symptoms of Breast Cancer in Pets?

The most common signs of breast cancer in dogs and cats include:

· A noticeable mass felt under the skin of the abdomen is a sure sign of a mammary tumor

· Discharge from the mammary gland

· Broken skin (ulceration) over the mammary gland

· Breasts that are painful and swollen

· Loss of appetite

· Weight loss

· Lethargy and weakness

Can Breast Cancer Be Treated?

Pet breast cancer may be treatable, depending on when it is detected and whether your pet is a dog or cat. Treatment options include:

· Careful removal of the mammary tumor(s)

· Removal of the tumor(s) and the affected mammary gland(s)

· In cats, it is generally recommended to remove one or both sets of mammary glands and the local lymph node

· Chemotherapy is a possible option if it is recommended that you consult with a veterinary oncologist after your pet has had surgery

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

The Importance of Cat Exams

It’s comforting to know that in many cases, cats can live a good number of years. However, just like dogs, they can succumb to a variety of diseases or develop a debilitating problem later in life. To prevent or reduce the severity of these potential issues and to ensure the longest and happiest life for your pet, we strongly recommend annual physical cat exams at our animal hospital in Pittsburgh. This gives us the chance to evaluate your pet’s health and quickly address any problems that we find.

Signs of Illness in Cats
Pets don’t always make it obvious that they’re feeling unwell. Try keeping an eye out for these signs, and contact us immediately if you observe any of them in your cat:

Decreased appetite
Changes in behavior
Hiding more more often
Crying/vocalizing more than normal
Sneezing, coughing, or wheezing
Drinking and urinating more often
Going outside of the litter box
Urinating less often and in smaller amounts
Unable to pass stool
Blood in urine

What Diseases Can My Cat Get?
Some of the most common health problems affecting cats include:

Upper respiratory infections
Kidney disease
Lower urinary tract disease/urinary tract blockage
GI problems such as diarrhea, constipation, and vomiting

How Our Animal Hospital Can Help
Annual cat exams make it easier for us to detect possible health issues in your pet and treat them before they become more complex. Without regular checkups, their condition will likely get worse and be much more difficult to resolve later on.

Schedule an appointment with your veterinarian once a year so we can examine your cat from nose to tail, run blood tests to screen for parasites and monitor organ function, and recommend any treatments we think they’ll need. We also encourage you to ask any questions that come to mind about your pet’s care during your visit with us. Contact Always Compassionate Veterinary Care at (412) 882-3070 to request an appointment today!

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Help Your Pets Beat the Back to School Blues

Pet Separation Anxiety in Pittsburgh

Going back to school isn’t just hard on the kids; it’s hard on your pets, too! All summer long they have their best friends home to play with them, and then when school rolls around again, all that changes. Pets don’t always understand that when their family goes away, they’ll come back. Cats and dogs live in the moment, and when the whole family takes off for work and school, many of them can suffer from separation anxiety.

What Does Pet Separation Anxiety Look Like? 

Different pets will respond to their anxiety differently. Some signs of separation anxiety include:
- Destructive behavior
- Barking and howling when left alone
- Attempts at escape
- Urination and/or defecation in the home
- Pacing (back and forth or in a circular pattern)

All of these behaviors could be caused by a variety of other factors, so it can be difficult to pinpoint it as separation anxiety. The key is to recognize that they perform these behaviors only when they are left home alone.

How to Soothe the Blues

Pets are creatures of habit and an abrupt change from summer fun to a lonely school year are enough to trigger separation anxiety. However, you can help your dog or cat adjust to this coming change in several ways including:

- Create distractions from your departure with toys and treats. A Kong filled with food or peanut butter, or a special toy that only get taken out when you’re about to leave can help turn the sad event of your leaving into a more positive one.

- Start taking your dog’s walks earlier in the morning before you have to leave for work or school and later in the evenings to simulate what a school week will be like.

- Add additional play sessions before you leave to start your pet’s day off with an engaging activity.

- Do not punish anxious behavior—it will only make things worse!

- Try not to make your departure and arrival back home a big deal. If your pet is excited to see you when you come home, do not indulge them until they have calmed down.

- If your pet has a hard time adjusting, even with all your efforts, please talk to your veterinarian about possibly anti-anxiety medications to help them remain calm.

Interested in more tips for relieving pet separation anxiety? Contact our animal hospital today at (412) 882-3070!

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Fireworks, Thunderstorms, and Your Pet

Does your dog tremble and cling to you during thunderstorms? Does your cat vanish to their favorite hiding place during fireworks? Your pet is probably suffering from noise aversion. The condition is more common in dogs, and impacts roughly one-third of dogs in the US. Noise aversion is similar to our panic attacks, causing fear and anxiety that could affect your pet’s quality of life. 

Symptoms of Noise Aversion
Noise aversion can come in many forms, with either a mixture of some of the symptoms below or simply one.

- Restlessness (usually seen as pacing; can’t sit still)
- Lip licking
- Trembling or shaking
- Panting, without it being warm
- Hypervigilance
- Cowering or hiding
- Ears back or furrowed brow
- Freezing
- Abnormal clinginess to owners
- Refusal to eat
- Yawning
- Barking at the sounds or whining

Treating Noise Aversion
To reduce or even eliminate noise aversion in dogs or cats, it’s important to identify their triggers first, so you can better prepare for an onset of conditions. Some of the treatments involve:

- Environmental management – before a thunderstorm rolls around or fireworks begin, place your pet in an area of your home that is the most sound proof. This could include your basement, a bathroom, a closet (be sure to remove any chewable items like shoes, first!) or a bedroom.

- Behavior modification – essentially, this involves exposing your pet to sounds that terrify them in a controlled environment (with lots of treats!) so they can get used to the sound and begin to associate positive things with it (like treats—did we mention that?). This option requires guidance from a veterinary professional to ensure the desensitization happens gradually so as not to overly stress out your pet.

- Medications – in some cases, it’s best to use medication to keep your pet calm during thunderstorms, fireworks, or any other noisy event. Sileo is one option that has proven highly effective in dogs.

Talk to Your Veterinarian About Your Pet’s Fears
If noise aversion is severely impacting your pet’s quality of life and your relationship with them, talk to your veterinarian! He or she will be able to help you determine the best plan of action for reducing or even eliminating your pet’s noise aversion. Contact us at (412) 882-3070 to make an appointment!

Monday, May 20, 2019

Summer Tips for Pittsburgh Pets

Tips from Your Pittsburgh Veterinarian: Summer Pet Safety

Making sure your pet is safe doesn’t mean their summer has to be boring. Still, there are many things you as a pet parent need to think about ahead of time to make sure that every day, and every outing, is planned with your pet’s safety as a priority.

As a friendly reminder from your animal hospital in Pittsburgh, take a look at the helpful information provided below.

Heat Safety

One of the biggest concerns in the summertime is the heat. Keep in mind that even a day that is in the 70s can pose risks for your pet.

       •  Never, under any circumstances, leave your pet inside your car while it’s turned off and parked. Even if the windows are open and your car is in a shady spot, the inside of the vehicle will still warm up.
       •  Wherever you go with your pet outdoors, bring a sufficient supply of fresh water.
       •  Don’t take your dog for walks in the middle of the day, when the sun is at its peak. Try going early in the morning or around sunset, when the temperature and the ground have cooled. If humidity is high, consider taking a shorter walk.
       •  If your pet is one of the flat-faced (brachycephalic) breeds, they probably have more difficulty breathing properly. Panting is necessary for helping pets cool off, and if this is hindered by breathing issues, they’ll overheat more quickly.

Parasite Control is a Must

Fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, roundworms, and other parasites love summertime. It’s warm, and there are more available hosts for them to choose from. While parasites can be a year-round threat, summer is when they are most active (and prevalent). If your pet isn’t already current with their preventatives, talk to us about getting them up to date! Your pet might also need to be tested for heartworm and other parasitic diseases.

Thunderstorms, Noise Aversion, and Anxiety

Does your pet become anxious when a thunderstorm rolls in? Severe anxiety due to loud noises is known as noise aversion, and if your dog has it, they’re not alone. Contact our animal hospital to learn about the different calming options that are out there, including Thundershirts, calming medications, supplements, and more.

It’s also important to see to it that your pet is microchipped. Pets that get scared during noise events are also likely to try to escape. If they get lost, they’re much more likely to be returned to you if they have a microchip.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Arthritis in Pets

Arthritis is not an exclusively human condition; it also affects millions of pets, especially dogs. Arthritis comes in several types but osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease, is the most common. Approximately one in five adult dogs suffer from this condition, and age isn’t the only contributing factor. Injuries, obesity, congenital defects, and even metabolic disorders can contribute to the development of osteoarthritis.

How Does Arthritis Occur?
Whether it’s due to age, repetitive activity, or joint deformity, if the cartilage in your pet’s joint(s) starts to wear down, the bones will rub against each other. Cartilage acts as a cushion between bones to prevent this friction, and when it’s gone, there’s nothing to protect the bones from the friction that occurs every time your pet moves. Over time, the bones start to break down. Some pets can even develop bone spurs, which cause additional pain and loss of mobility.

Osteoarthritis generally occurs in the knees, hips, elbows, shoulders, and lower back.

Signs Your Pet May Have Arthritis

Common signs of arthritis include:

Decreased activity
Weight gain
Difficulty standing and walking (“slowing down”)
Decreased appetite
May seem more irritable, especially when touched
Sleeping more often
Unable or unwilling to jump into the car or up onto the couch (if this is the norm at your home)
Having accidents in the house

Treatment is Available

It isn’t easy to see your pet in pain and struggling day to day, but their condition can be improved. Arthritis is not uncommon and therefore, we have treatment options available. It’s important that we examine your pet first to see what areas are affected, and we need to understand their health history to ensure that any treatment we choose will be safe for them.

Arthritis treatment often includes multiple modalities, such as oral medication, joint supplements, and laser therapy. We’re pleased to offer laser therapy to our patients, because it is safe, non-invasive, and gentle, and it produces results.

Your pet does not need to live out their life in pain. Contact Always Compassionate Veterinary Care for more information and to request a consultation.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Why Year-Round Heartworm Prevention is a Must

Due to an increase in pets traveling with their owners and unpredictable weather changes, it’s highly recommended that your pet receive their heartworm preventatives year-round, and not just during the warmer months. Furthermore, heartworm disease is becoming much more prevalent throughout the U.S., and because heartworm disease can be challenging to treat (and fatal), prevention is the best way to keep your pet healthy.

What Does Heartworm Prevention Actually Do?

Believe it or not, your pet’s heartworm preventatives do not actually prevent the initial heartworm infection from happening. Also, preventatives cannot kill adult heartworms*. What preventatives CAN do is eradicate larval infections that have occurred in the past month, which prevents them from maturing into adults.

This is why heartworm preventatives need to be given monthly—the medication itself does not stay in your pet’s system for a month; it contains active ingredients that kill larvae that have been inside your pet for the last 30 days. And larvae need more than 30 days to reach their adult stage.

*Adult heartworms are the real problem. The females can grow up to 12 inches long, and as the heartworms propagate, they start blocking the arteries leading to the heart and lungs. 

How Easy is it for Pets to Become Infected?

Very easy! While mosquitoes generally go dormant when the temperature reaches freezing, they can spring back up again at the first thaw. All it takes is one bite from a female mosquito that has ingested heartworm larvae from a previous host to infect your pet.

With year-round heartworm protection and yearly heartworm testing, there is very little concern that your pet will fall victim to heartworm disease. Heartworm treatment is possible, but it is very expensive (much more expensive than a year’s worth of heartworm preventatives) and can be stressful for your pet, too.

Is Your Pet Behind on Their Heartworm Prevention?

Call our hospital or stop in to talk to our team about what you need to do next. Your pet may need to be tested for heartworm before we can prescribe preventatives, or they might just need a refill. Let us know—we’re happy to help you!

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Spring Pet Safety Tips and Poison Prevention

With spring finally starting to show itself, many of us become energized to conquer some spring cleaning and home improvement projects, as well as enjoy all that spring has to offer. Yet before we dive into tearing up the bathroom tile or deep-cleaning the kitchen with bleach, it’s important to consider our pets’ safety! They are often very sensitive to many of our cleaning and home improvement products, and their curiosity could put them in danger of getting irritating chemicals on their skin, or even ingesting them! At Always Compassionate Veterinary Care, we want to give you springtime tips to keep your pet safe this cleaning season!
Household Cleaners
Plenty of the household cleaners we use seem harmless to us… but we know better than to touch it with our bare skin or lick it up! Pets are not so discerning, so it’s very important to make sure that the products we use are either safe for them to be around, or we practice extreme caution when using them in our homes. Here’s a list of some common cleaners and how safe (or unsafe) they are for pets:
- Bleach – this effective cleanser is entirely safe for pets, when used properly. When cleaning their cage or toys, use a diluted solution, rinse it thoroughly, and air it out before allowing pets access to it again.
- Carpet fresheners and shampoos – both of these are relatively harmless. To reduce the risk of any minor skin irritation or gastrointestinal upset, make sure to keep pets out of the room until the powder is vacuumed or the carpet is dried.
- Swiffer Wet Jet – Luckily, this product does not contain cleaning agents in a large enough quantity to cause any serious harm. Yet, like carpet cleaners and bleach, you can save your pet from any irritation or stomach upset by using the product according to its label—that often means letting it dry before allowing pets back in the room.
- Toilet cleaners – Tablets and other toilet bowl cleaners are unlikely to cause any major issues if your pet should drink the diluted toilet water. However, stagnant toilet water is actually a bit more dangerous, as it could cause bacterial problems in their gastrointestinal tract.

In conclusion, most household cleaners are completely safe as long as label directions are followed. If your pet does ingest significant quantities, or undiluted solutions, you can call ASPCA’s poison control at (888) 426-4433.

Home Improvement Products
In addition to cleaning, home improvement projects often occur in the spring. The ability to open the windows and work with a breeze is too good to pass up. However, take these safety tips for your pet to heart to avoid any unnecessary harm.
- Many paints, mineral spirits, and solvents are toxic to pets, causing severe irritation, chemical burns, or gastrointestinal problems if ingested. Keep pets out of the room until the materials have dried and the room is aired out.
- Be cautious of nails, staples, blades, power tools, and insulation, which could all cause serious injury to curious, unsuspecting pets. Make you sure you thoroughly remove all these hazards before allowing your pet back into the area.
- Lawn care products such as fertilizers, insecticides, and herbicides are all dangerous to pets if ingested. Store these products safely out of paw’s reach and use them with care.

Other Springtime Tips
Cleaning and home improvement aren’t the only things that pet owners need to be cautious of in spring. Other pet safety tips include:
- Open windows. Cats especially are apt to jumping or falling out of open, unscreened windows, so make sure all windows are securely screened.
- Traveling in cars. It may seem fine to allow your dog to hang their head out the window, but debris and bugs pose a risk. Insects and debris can damage sensitive eyes, ears, and even cause lung infections. Always make sure your pet is secured in a crate or seatbelt harness.
- Springtime plants. Lilies, Azaleas, and Rhododendrons, among others are highly toxic to pets if eaten. Keep these plants out of your home and garden where your pet has access.

If you have any questions or concerns about springtime pet safety, please call us at (412) 882-3070.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Reasons to Make Your Pet’s Dental Health a Priority

The condition of your pet’s mouth is directly linked to their overall health, inside and out. When they begin having problems with their teeth and gums, it can lead to a variety of other health issues, including:

Dental disease
Tooth loss
Systemic disease (heart, liver, kidneys)

Additionally, poor oral health can be painful, in turn limiting your pet’s ability to eat, drink, play, and simply enjoy life in good health.

Preventive Care Options

What can you do to prevent or delay the progress of plaque buildup and the potential onset of dental disease?

Brushing: While brushing your pet’s teeth every day might seem like a hassle, it’s actually one of the best ways to control plaque and tartar formation. Ideally, you should start your dog or cat on their brushing routine when they’re still young and have time to get comfortable with the process.
Make sure to use pet-friendly toothpaste and focus on brushing in gentle, circular motions along your pet’s gum line. For best results, try brushing their teeth once or twice a day.

Special diet: Certain prescription diet foods are formulated to help control the buildup of plaque and tartar on the teeth. They’re a great way to supplement brushing and yearly teeth cleanings at our hospital.

Dental chews: Substitute your pet’s regular treats with dental chews recommended by your veterinarian. When chewed, OraVet chews “brush” debris off the teeth and form a barrier to block bacteria and reduce plaque and tartar formation. Dental chews are also an excellent supplement for your pet’s dental routine.

Your pet’s oral health begins with you. If they currently do not have a dental care routine that includes daily at-home treatment, contact us at (412) 882-3070 to learn more!